Nordic Game 2018 – ‘Gamification is Just Icing on a Lousy Cake’

Antonia Koop Talks About the True Power of Games and Games Technology to Develop Human Capability

At the 2018 Nordic Game conference in Malmo, Sweden, games developers, designers and publishers discussed new trends and recent success stories in the games industry. This year the program included a range of talks exploring the challenges and opportunities for games beyond entertainment.

In her talk 'Gamification is Just Icing on a Lousy Cake' Kite Rider's CEO, Antonia Koop, took a solid swing at 'gamification' as a mere selling tool that milks the power of games to suck attention but too often fails to offer value for clients and players.

Antonia suggests that, when used with the appropriate respect and care, games design and games technology can offer a much more powerful contribution, enhancing learning and education through powerful simulated, virtual experiences.

Watch the talk here and on youtube.

‘Gamification is Just Icing on a Lousy Cake’ Nordic Game 2018

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